Tigers are the largest and most powerful of the big cats, spiritual symbols of strength and courage. This special edition of LIFE tells the rich story of these extraordinary animals, exploring why they capture our imagination and how they fit into our current world. From visiting their origins as tree-dwelling insect eaters, to following a day in the life of a wild tiger today, the issue also chronicles remarkable true stories of creatures such as the man-eating tiger of Champawat who roamed in the early 20th century, and Machali the beautiful and beloved “Queen Mother of the Tigers” of recent years. Rich in narrative and brimming with beautiful, unmatched images the edition captures the majesty of tigers in their glory.
LIFE: Tigers
LIFE Bookazines
Our Curious Love of Tigers • A feverish obsession with a ferocious predator sounds counterintuitive, but we just can’t quit loving these remarkable creatures
Masters of Their Domain • Across tropical rain forests, grasslands, savannas, and mangrove swamps, tigers can adapt to widely diverse habitats
The Secret History of Tigers • Despite cultural reverence, tigers have been hunted for centuries. But modern efforts offer hope for their future
A Day in the Life of Collarwali • Known as the queen of India’s Pench National Park, the Bengal tigress spends her days caring for— and hunting for—her many cubs
Time for Play • Amid the hunting, stalking, and pouncing, tigers find time to blow off some steam with one another
The World’s Deadliest Tiger • The Man-Eater of Champawat, known as the most dangerous animal in history, claimed nearly 500 lives
Ferocious Nature • With an unyielding need to fight for territory and to hunt for their meals, tigers will not hesitate to bare their teeth and claws
Queen Machli’s Enduring Legacy • The superstar tigress, who was the most photographed tiger in the world, played a key role in her park’s conservation efforts
Is Your Cat a Tiger? • The jungle-dwelling tigress and her distant cousin the tabby cat have far more behaviors in common than you might think
Growing Up Tiger • Before they learn to hunt or master their terrifying roar, fluffy little tiger cubs stick close to mom and learn the ropes
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