FineScale Modeler teaches you to build models of aircraft, armor, ships and more. Clear articles show you how to assemble, paint, and finish the latest model kits. Every issue includes unbiased reviews of kits that were built and tested for accuracy, product announcements, tips from the experts, and a gallery of readers’ models.
Seriously fun!
FineScale Modeler
SCALE TALK • Your voice in FSM
Coax out a COUGAR • Building Kitty Hawk’s 1/48 scale F9F-8T better
Print-quality photos WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE • Yes, it’s possible. Here’s how you do it.
Trees for the FOREST MOON • Vegetation and an Endor base for a 1/48 scale AT-ST
Make your SHIP’S GRATE • Don’t let an illmade hatch be the downfall of a first-rate model
Field a StuG • Simple weathering and groundwork propels the vehicle
CHURN some WATER • Ideas for modeling 1/25 scale drag and ski boats
Clear Prop! F-86A Sabre
ICM M1097A2 Humvee
Scale models fire hot! • AMT turned up the temperature with its 1963 Pontiac Bonneville convertible kit