Gathered magazine is the place where everyone can embrace their creativity and celebrate their individual style. By exploring the inspirational world of making, you’ll discover trends, stand out from the crowd, and enjoy more mindful moments. Gathered is packed with features about fashion, interiors, and self-care, as well as tips on living a creative life, on a budget. There are projects to try, step-by-step guides, plus expert advice to inspire you to try something new today.
HOW MOTIVATED ARE YOU? • Do you have the motivation and desire to succeed? Or does your self-confidence and determination waver? Take our quiz to find out how focused you are, then find advice on how to tap into your inner enthusiasm and aspiration…
THE POWER OF PLANTS • With experts lauding its benefits and bloggers, celebrities and even athletes adopting a whole food approach, is it time we all embraced a plant-based diet?
DECLUTTER IN JUST 15 MINUTES • Discover a life in which you can be your most productive, relaxed and happy self – it's easier than you might think
SPRING CLEAN YOUR BODY! • It's time to leave the cosy embrace of winter for a revitalising spring clean. Invigorate your wellbeing with seasonal food and natural remedies
A PLACE TO BLOOM AND GROW • Whether it's pots on your patio or a bed of flowers, being mindful about your planting can create a space to engage the senses
FIND YOUR COMFORT ZONE • We often talk about pushing ourselves beyond what is comfortable, but there is something to be treasured in that warm fuzzy feeling too!
THE ART OF BEING NAKED • How baring all in a sauna can reduce stress, ease hayfever and help you find clarity
FREE YOURSELF FROM MIGRAINES • Mindfulness and yoga can bring calm and balance to our daily lives, helping to keep migraines at bay
TIME TO TRY MACRAMÉ • The rhythmic knotting of macramé makes it the perfect path to calm.
PUTTING PEN TO PAPER • Writing is a wonderful form of escapism, but getting started can be daunting. Try writing just for yourself.